What’s So Wrong With the Enneagram..? Isn’t It As Innocent As It Appears?

(!!Spoiler Alert!! For those who are not caught up on Superman & Lois. Skip down a paragraph or two if you wish not to read the spoilery analogy but still wish to read God’s Word and what it says about the Enneagram.) Ah, Superman & Lois, chances are most of you reading this post haveContinue reading “What’s So Wrong With the Enneagram..? Isn’t It As Innocent As It Appears?”

The Spilt Blood of This Nation

Ah, Superman, one of the most overpowered superheroes out there, but one character that can actually be pretty cool if done right. The Man of Steel is probably one of the more darker takes on Superman in the whole movie industry, which.. brings us to this post. Now, you may be asking yourself why inContinue reading “The Spilt Blood of This Nation”

The Woeful Errors That Creeped Through These Barriers.

Captain America: Civil War is probably one of the most depressing MCU films as it ends with the beloved team of crime fighting Avengers being split; both having different views on a certain matter that forced turmoil from within the superhero crew. The team’s fallout has a major impact on both the characters and theContinue reading “The Woeful Errors That Creeped Through These Barriers.”

The Fall of a Friend, and His Redemption. (Part 1)

Ah, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, one of the grittier movies the MCU has to offer. To be honest the first time I watched this movie, it went a bit over my head, and it wasn’t until the second time I watched it a few years later that I was mature enough to fully understandContinue reading “The Fall of a Friend, and His Redemption. (Part 1)”

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